Building an expert task force to develop a harmonised food ecolabel
This article was originally published by Blonk. To make a fair comparison between the environmental impact of food products, consistent footprinting calculations are necessary. We are working with a range of experts including Blonk and Deutsches Institut für...
Automation for food ecolabelling: Foundation Earth teams up with Sustained
Foundation Earth is joining forces with Sustained – a platform that analyses the environmental impacts of food production – to test automated LCA and ECO IMPACT labels to drive large scale uptake and impact. The pilot, starting early 2023, will run food...
New partnership with the German Institute of Food Technologies (DIL)
Foundation Earth is excited to enter a collaboration agreement with DIL, The German institute of Food Technologies (DIL Technologie GmbH). The partnership fits into our strategy to bring together leading actors in LCA developments to work towards a standardised...